By: Tom Cloyd - 1 min. read (Published: 2024-05-29; reviewed: 2024-06-06:1622 Pacific Time (USA))
“What I’ve learned from talking to so many victims of traumatic events, abuse, or neglect is that after absorbing these painful experiences, the child begins to ache. A deep longing to feel needed, validated, and valued begins to take hold. As these children grow, they lack the ability to set a standard for what they deserve. And if that lack is not addressed, what often follows is a complicated, frustrating pattern of self-sabotage, violence, promiscuity, or addiction.” (~Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D.)
FROM: Perry, B. D., & Winfrey, O. (2021). What happened to you?: Conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing. Flatiron Books, p. 22.
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